Clearwater Community Woman's Club
Women Making a Difference
Shown here are our members at a Thresher's Game, Moccasin Lake Park, Salvation Army, Morton Plant Hospital (sewing), Tampa Wheel Chair Tennis tournament, and Creative Pinellas - Annual Arts Party. These are only some of the places where members volunteer.

We host an annual Champa Bay Elimination Dinner to raise funds for our signature initiative. We also raise funds throughout the year for our Daisy Grants which we disburse to local non-profits.

We conduct business, induct new members once a year, and have fun!

We invite speakers to our meetings, and occasionally host education sessions that are open to the public. Some members teach science at Moccasin Lake Park.

Field Trips
We organize field trips to a variety of places such as an Equine Therapy center, a Water Reclamation Facility, a Historical Museum etc.

We enjoy each other's company! We meet for lunch brunch during the summer and for special occasions such as St. Patrick's Day. We have an annual Christmas Lunch. Members have gone to Hamburger Mary's, to see Christmas Lights, to William Dean's High Tea, on a Dolphin Watching boat ride etc.