Clearwater Community Woman's Club
Women Making a Difference
Join US

Make a difference!
When women who care roll up their sleeves and get to work, many things are possible.
I am Jane Snyder, interim Third Vice President and Membership Chair at CCWC. We are ladies of varying ages and backgrounds who volunteer, raise funds, and give grants to other deserving organizations. We also strive to educate ourselves about the needs in our community. We make lifelong friends and have fun!
I encourage you to visit our About Us section. We've tried hard to describe GFWC Clearwater Community Woman's Club for you. Of course, it's impossible to put everything down on this site. To really learn more, come to one of our general meetings. We meet on the third Tuesday of each month September - May. We take a hiatus from general meetings in the summer, but we meet up for lunches because we enjoy each other's company and don't want to wait for the fall to see each other again!
I'm sure you have questions. I've tried to answer the ones I'm asked most frequently below. I've also included an Application form right on this page. I do hope you join us. We'd love to meet you!
Need more information? Email me at Membership@ccwcflorida.org
GFWC Clearwater Community Woman’s Club
Member of GFWC and FFWC
PO Box 6074
Clearwater, FL 33758-6074
Frequently asked questions
What will I be signing up for?
Attending an Orientation session
Coming to at least one of our General Meetings
Working with a Community Service Program area of your choice
Making friends!
Having fun!
Where do your members volunteer?
Here are some organizations where we volunteer:
Clearwater Marine Aquarium
The Salvation Army
Clothes to Kids
Kimberly Home
Lighthouse of Pinellas
Meals on Wheels
Hope Villages of America
How can I apply?
You can apply right on this page! Just scroll down and fill in the boxes on our application form.
What happens after I apply?
Our Membership Committee with contact you via phone, if you give us your phone number, or via email. Please provide us with either a phone number or an email address so that we can contact you. We so look forward to getting to know you.
How much will it cost me to be a member?
A one-time Orientation fee of $30.00
Annual dues of $50.00

You can pay online here, or pay by credit card or check at a general meeting. If you've decided to join us, and we so hope you have, choose the Orientation & Dues option. If you'd like to attend the Orientation session before you make up your mind, choose the Orientation Only option. You can pay the dues later.